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Dog Outdoors

About Our Clinic

Heart of Gold Veterinary Care is a family-oriented practice that provides compassionate and meticulous care for both large and small animals. The practice serves several species that includes: Horses, goats, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits, llamas, and alpacas. Heart of Gold Veterinary Care was founded by Dr. Jessica Gulvin DVM to offer the highest standards of medical care possible in general practice to these species.


Our Staff are pet and horse owners too, and we understand how important it is to you that your animal receives care within a friendly and welcoming atmosphere where your questions and opinions are respected.  Heart of Gold does this through visiting animals in their own home, and also offering in-clinic visits for patients that can travel or need more advanced diagnostics.  In-clinic visits are offered at our clinic in Geneva NY. 


In addition, surgical cases are handled at this facility several days per week. We are able to accommodate spays, neuters (both descended and crypt), entropion, and mass removals. We also offer dental cleanings and extractions, though we are more reserved in the teeth we remove becuase we do not have dental x-ray yet.


Heart of Gold offers 24/7 emergency assistance for all current patients.   We attempt to offer emergency services when able, but without having staff on call with our veterinarians there are limitations to the emergency services we are able to provide.  The practice services a radius of 30 miles from Geneva NY.  



Our Core Values:


Integrity, Respect, Compassion, Commitment, and Distinction


Integrity:  We are a team that collaborates and shares knowledge so that we can provide the best care and decision making possible.  We work together to build a foundation of trust and honesty with our clients, to build relationships with them, and to foster a family-like environment.  We strive to practice open, truthful, and timely communication with our clients and employees.  By carefully listening and responding to their concerns, we seek continuous improvement in our services and programs. 


Golden Rule of RESPECT:  We will treat our patients, clients, and co-workers the same way we wish to be treated and provide them an environment that is free from fear and anxiety whenever possible. 


Compassion:  We believe that compassion is at the heart of our practice and we demonstrate it through our understanding and empathy in all areas of our service to our patients, clients, and employees. 


Commitment:  We are dedicated to our clients and the community we serve by providing the highest standards in service, as well as in medical and surgical care.  We are responsive to our clients and staff, passionate in our advocacy of the human-animal bond, and responsible for our actions.  We are committed to furthering our services and quality of care through constant continued education, innovation, and upholding the veterinarian's oath.  


Distinction:  We strive to provide high quality science-based medical care to the animals we treat and education to the clients we serve.  We attempt to exceed the expectations of every client and be the practice of choice in the Finger Lakes Region. 



Call 585-738-7852 in case of emergency

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